
My foolproof guide for setting up a home office

My foolproof guide for setting up a home office

>First published on in 2017< Some types of jobs lend themselves to home-based offices while others do not. For example, if your goal is to make your living as a copywriter or an e-marketer, home-based work is a great option. All you need is a...

Readers of the Lost Art

Readers of the Lost Art

>First published on in 2021< The 12-year-old who is grounded from his iPad: I’m bored. There’s literally nothing to do. Me: There’s a hundred great books in this house. Pick one. The 12-year-old: But, Dad, reading isn’t any fun. I have to read in...

Why ‘Jaws’ is the greatest dad movie of my generation

Why ‘Jaws’ is the greatest dad movie of my generation

>First published on in 2020< One of the appealing aspects of living in the modern age of Western entertainment is when a particular film, TV show, or song becomes woven into your life. I don’t mean it’s simply something you recall from your past. I...

Social media and the death of civility: Thanks a lot, Zuckerberg.

Social media and the death of civility: Thanks a lot, Zuckerberg.

>First published on in 2020< A few nights ago, Holly and I stumbled across “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix and watched the entire thing without moving, not even to go pee. Have you seen this? It is a 2020 documentary about the rise of social media...

My Top 10 dad tips for incoming college freshmen

My Top 10 dad tips for incoming college freshmen

>First published on in 2019< In a few short weeks, our oldest son, Sam, will be heading off to college. It’s one of those huge milestones in the life of both child and parent, and everybody is just a little freaked out. My do-gooder wife, Holly, is...

The Curse of the Common Name

After completing some exhaustive scientific research (two minutes on my phone while in line at Starbucks), I’ve confirmed what I’ve always strongly suspected: I have a very common name. Over the past century, Mark is the 16th most common American first name for men....

NOTE: I’ll be populating this page with more content over the next few weeks and months.

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